It is important that the Eucharist be understood not only in the aspects of its celebration, but also as a life-project and that it be the base of an authentic “Eucharistic Spirituality”. Precisely because it is the heart of Christian life, the Eucharist does not finish within the Church walls, but needs to enter into the lives of those who participate in it. The sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ is gratuitously given for the building up of the Body of Christ which is the church. The Eucharistic dispositions in which we are educated in the celebration of the Mass should be cultivated in the spiritual life, keeping in mind each person’s particular vocation and state of life.
To participate in the Eucharist means to listen to the Lord so as to act in accordance with what He reveals to us, asks of us and desires of our lives. Attentiveness to the Word spoken is at the beginning of the spiritual life. To believe in Christ is to listen to His word and put it into practice. It is docility to the voice of the Holy Spirit, the interior Master who guides us to the whole truth – not only to the truth to be known, but also to the truth to be lived out. In order to truly listen to the Lord in the Liturgy of the Word, we need to learn how to “listen with the heart”; it is convenient to find ways to prolong the hearing of God’s word, which He speaks to us in a thousand different ways through the circumstances of daily life, throughout the day.