LIVE your own vocation joyfully and faithfully. All the baptized are called to follow Jesus and to serve in some way. The witness of a dedicated parent, loving spouse, caring friend or faithful priest can lead others to hear God’s voice calling them personally.
PRAYER: In the act of praying for vocations we place our trust in God and see that God already is at work in ways we do not even recognize. This prayer opens us up to the voice of God calling and guiding us in our lives.
INVITATION: Often it takes a personal invite to encourage someone to take on a new responsibility. Many who serve in our parishes in various ministries were first asked by their pastor or fellow parishioner. Also many of our priests and seminarians were invited and encouraged by someone who recognized that they had the gifts and qualities that would make them good priests.
All of us are invited to live our own vocation joyfully and faithfully and to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. Some characteristics you may look for in a potential candidate would be a person of faith and integrity – commitment – normal qualities – positive self-image – a desire to do good – sense of humour – searching for meaning in life. For further information contact Father Michael King at 1-905-528-7988 ext. 2246 or email:[email protected].