Lent is a time of preparation and introspection. It is a moment to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For forty days and forty nights we walk together with Jesus. This year Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is adding its voice to those of Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis by inviting Canadians to share the journey with the 68.5 million forced migrants in the world today. Launched in Rome in September 2017, the Share The Journey campaign is much more than just an initiative to raise awareness on migration issues. Rather, Pope Francis urges us to undergo a true transformation of the heart. Faced with a culture of indifference that confuses minds and stifles hearts, he invites us to build a culture of encounter – a culture of mercy and compassion. Pope Francis said, “For me this word is very important. Encounter with others. Why? Because faith is an encounter with Jesus and we must do what Jesus does – encounters others. With our faith we must create a ‘culture of encounter’, a culture of friendship, a culture in which we find brothers and sisters, in which we can also speak with those who think differently, as well as those who hold other beliefs, who do not have the same faith. They all have something in common with us – they are images of God, they are children of God.”
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Mass at 7:30a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday Mass at 12:10p.m.; Friday Stations of the Cross at 7p.m. followed by Mass.