As we continue our journey toward Easter and prepare our hearts to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, let us take the time to share the journey with our sisters and brothers who have had to flee their homes. Let us pray for them. May we learn to walk together with them in solidarity, united in the conviction that we are one global family. This year Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is adding its voice to those of Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis by inviting Canadians to share the journey with the 68.5 million forced migrants in the world today. Our SHARE LENT COLLECTION will be taken up next weekend and may it be a true reflection of our desire to help our brothers and sisters in need.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Mass at 7:30a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday Mass at 12:10p.m.; Friday Stations of the Cross at 7p.m. followed by Mass.