Participating in Lent we are engaging in patterns that have endured across the centuries. From very early times we have the sense of accompanying the elect on their journey to the font. From as long ago as the fourth journey, we receive Lent as forty days to shake the dust from our spirituality and reorder our conduct. Then, fasting was not seen as a strict duty, yet it seems it was widely observed. Think of the rules of politeness and courtesy that everyone agreed upon. Fasting was also seen as a social duty, since food was in short supply as winter wore on and the weak and the sick had first claim on what remained on hand. As a boost to the fasting of the body, the church developed a richer spiritual fare, including the celebration of daily Eucharist. This practice began in Rome in the 6th century and weekday Mass was only at designated stations and would be celebrated by the pope.
Today we have our annual SHARE LENT COLLECTION under the theme “Share The Journey.” May we be generous in supporting the needs of so many of our brothers and sisters who are in great need.
In today’s bulletin you will also find our annual Spiritual and Financial report and we thank you for your support of our parish family.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Mass at 7:30a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday Mass at 12:10p.m.; Friday Stations of the Cross at 7p.m. followed by Mass.