Saint Vincent de Paul is hoping to collect the McCafe free coffee cards to give to the homeless that come up for breakfast at our Basilica steps.
As you know, due to the cold weather, the breakfast program is currently being run through the Stepping Stone (aka Drop-in Centre). We provide the shelter with the breakfast sandwiches and fresh fruit, and they help us by putting it out for those folks spending the night at the shelter. We are hoping to reinstate it at our Church steps sometime mid-May.
Until then, however, we were hoping to ask our parishioners to donate any full McCafe cards they may have. This will not only permit a person to enter a McDonald's to get out of the cold for a bit, but also allow them to get free coffee at the same time.
If anyone wishes to help out, they can put the card(s) in an envelope marked SVDP Coffee Cards and leave in the collection basket on Saturday or Sunday Masses. The cards will be collected and distributed to the homeless directly.