“Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” These words of St. Paul to the Corinthians remind us that our giving ought to be planned and determined in a prayerful way. Stewardship is based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus. Those who have adopted Stewardship have had their lives changed. We know that Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way of thanking God for all the blessings by our returning a portion of the time, talent and treasure given to us. Stewardship deepens our relationship with the Lord and brings us a sense of peace and joy. Jesus promises us that by practicing Stewardship we will grow spiritually. There are many references in the Bible to Stewardship.
In one of those Jesus tells us, “You can be sure that whoever gives even a drink of cold water to one of the least of my followers, will certainly receive a reward” (Mt. 10:37-42). That reward also involves a growing trust in God’s diving will. Symbolically we give a drink of cold water when we make our time and talents and our treasure available to our parish and to our community. Every parishioner is called to give a drink of cold water by supporting the parish as it brings Christ’s healing touch to our faith community and to those it serves. Our parish family is blessed with many different members, each of whom has special talents and abilities that can benefit our parish. May we all grow spiritually because of giving our Stewardship gifts.