“Rejoice O Earth in Shining Splendour. Radiant in the Brightness of Your King! Christ has Conquered! Glory fills you! Darkness vanishes forever!” (Easter Exultet). Today the whole earth is called to look heavenward. We have a glorious home awaiting us in the courts of God. The concerns and cares of this world, as difficult as they may be, fade in the light of the life that has been given to us through the cross of Christ. As the Church calls the earth to rejoice, we are called to set our minds and hearts on “things that are above where Christ who is our life appears, then we will appear with Him in glory” (Col.3:1-4). Jesus wants to lead us to greater things than we normally expect. He wants to tell us that we are completely forgiven, that this world’s needs no longer keep us from experiencing His love and His presence. He wants us to know that His death and resurrection and His gift of the Holy Spirit are sufficient for our needs. We have the privilege of being His beloved brothers and sisters, remade in His image and likeness, saints and angels who rejoice before the throne of God.
Monsignor Noon, Father Mulhall and Deacon Quinto Tami wish to extend our prayers and joyful greetings for a Happy and Holy Easter to the family of the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate Parish.