An Important Message to all Parishioners
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We have just received notice from the Bishop’s Office, and the Office of the Chancellor for Temporal Affairs. The Bishop’s Decree is included in this e-mail for your information. In accord with the Diocesan directives please note the following:
- All public Masses are cancelled until further notice. Please know that I will say Mass daily, and on Sundays for your intentions and for the intentions of those who have requested Masses. All scheduled Mass intentions will be honoured.
- Until further notice the Basilica will be closed. There will be no Adoration, Confessions or Stations of the Cross for the remainder of Lent.
- Sunday Mass will be taped and put on our parish website, and our facebook page
- All parish events, organizations and meetings are cancelled until further notice. Any group using parish facilities is to cancel or postpone their meetings.
- The Parish Office will remain open! If you have a pastoral emergency, or know someone in need of pastoral care please do not hesitate to call.
- I will still be visiting the sick, the homebound, and the elderly.
Please find a good Catholic website, like EWTN or Bishop Barron’s “Word On Fire” and use the devotional resources to pray individually or as a family. What a great time to renew the practice of the Family Rosary. On Fridays you could use an app and pray the Stations of the Cross as a family or individually.
On Sundays please pray over the readings of the day, and watch one of the Masses on television or online.
Please make sure that you check in with elderly or infirm friends and neighbours.
Please visit the website of the Diocese of Hamilton for any further updates. On the Diocesan website you can also find Pope Francis’ prayer to Our Lady, Health of the Sick. Pray it, and pray the Rosary for an end to this pandemic!
Please circulate this message as broadly as possible, so that we reach as many parishioners as we can.
Please Pray for Me as I will Pray for You!
I am faithfully yours in Christ,
Fr. Ian Duffy,