Wednesday, March 6th begins the holy season of Lent, our annual forty day journey with the Lord. Mass will be celebrated with the distribution of ASHES at 7:30a.m.; 12:10p.m.; and 7:00p.m. A para-liturgy with the distribution of ashes will take place at our three parish schools. Lent is a time set aside by the church for prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the great feast of Easter. During this time we must consciously try to love God and one another more through acts of penance. Lenten penance should be external and social as well as individual and internal. During Lent you are encouraged to build on your own personal faith journey through attending an extra Mass; scripture reading and reflection; daily meditation and examination of conscience; celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation; praying the Rosary; visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Exposition every Tuesday following Mass until 5p.m.); Stations of the Cross; fasting and a sacrificial offering to Share Lent.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – Mass at 7:30a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday Mass at 12:10p.m.; Friday Stations of the Cross at 7p.m. followed by Mass except Friday, March 22nd when we welcome back John Miller and friends for a Lenten reflection in song and prayer.
In accordance with Canon Law ASH WEDNESDAY is a day of FAST and ABSTINENCE. All persons who have completed their 14th year of age are bound by the law of Abstinence, that is “NO MEAT”. Those who have completed their 18th year of age up to age 60 are bound by the law of Fast and Abstinence “NO MEAT AND NO EATING BETWEEN MEALS.” Those with health problems may be exempt.