Do you know the date of your baptism? It was the most important day of your life! In a special way, to be Catholic is to be Eucharistic. The Eucharist is the very heart and centre of Catholic life and activity. In the Eucharist the grace of my baptismal calling deepens and grows. In the Eucharist we hear the Good News of God’s saving love, we try to take it to heart and we seek to live it out. We join together to share in the death and resurrection of Jesus with the whole church delivering our whole self, our life and all our activities into the hands of the Father. Flowing from the Eucharist, our mission is clear and urgent – to live the gospel in our daily life – to leaven our world with loving and just deeds – to become instruments of peace in a world of conflict and division. Our mission is to promote unity, to be instruments of peace. Jesus gives us the command to love everyone, without exception, even our enemies. He called us to love one another as He loves us. Love is the only power that binds people together in unity. The night before He died Jesus prayed, “That they may be one as you Father, are in me and I am in you, that they also may be in us” (Jn. 17:21). This love treats every person with respect and condemns all racism and inequality. This love treats every person in a pure and holy manner. This love demands justice for everyone and condemns all injustice and oppression. This love is expressed in deed and in truth and condemns all deceit and dishonesty. This is the love of Jesus. This is our Baptismal and Eucharistic mission. Our unity which we pray for and express at each Eucharist as God’s people, is the will of God. Everything in our moral and spiritual life is measured by this. All grace moves us to greater unity; all sin tears us apart and divides us.