Since we are inclined to sin, it is often not easy to do the good. Sin is a thought, word or action that offends against God’s love. In sinning against God, we wound our human dignity and weaken both the church and the wider community. By His suffering and death, Jesus revealed the seriousness of sin while overcoming it by His merciful love. We accept the mercy of God when, in the light of God’s truth and love, we admit our sins and allow His love to heal us. Sin can be directly against God, one’s neighbour or oneself. These are sins of thought, word or deed as well as sins of omission. The distinction between mortal and venial sins is very important. Mortal sins involve grave matter, full knowledge and full consent of the will. They deprive us of sanctifying grace. If we fail to repent of them, we risk losing eternal life. Baptism and the sacrament of Penance are the ordinary ways they are forgiven. Venial sins weaken our relationship with God and others. They impede us from progress in virtue and in the spiritual life. We should seek forgiveness of venial sins in the sacrament of Penance and mortify ourselves as to be purified from the effects of all the sins we have committed. Sin can take hold of us when it is repeated. Habitual sins are called vices. These cloud the conscience and incline us toward evil. The main vices correspond to the capital sins of pride, avarice, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and sloth. We must also be on guard not to cooperate with the sins of others. Finally it is important to recognize that human sinfulness has given rise to social structures that are contrary to God’s truth and love.