
Sunday, March 30, 2025 - 2:00pm


Basilica of Our Lady
28 Norfolk Street

Family Day Bowling and Dinner -

For those who purchased tickets for the Family Day Bowling and Dinner event on February 16th that was cancelled due to the snow storm, we have rescheduled the event to Sunday, March 30th.  Details are the same:  

  • Bowling from 2-4 at Splitsville on Woodlawn Road in Guelph,
  • Refreshments, games and dinner in our Parish Hall from 4:30 to 7pm
  • The pricing for this family event is $25 per person ($100 Cap for families) for 2 hours of bowling with shoe rental, as well as refreshments and dinner at the Parish Hall.

  • Bowling only is $20 per person;

  • Dinner only is $10 per adult or $5 for children 5 and under.  

If this new date works for you and your family, please present your current tickets at the event.  If, however, this newly scheduled date does not work with your schedule, refunds will be issued.

Ticket sales as well as refunds (for those who already purchased but cannot attend on March 30th)  will start on weekend of March 1/2  after Masses and continue each weekend until March 22/23.  

Get your tickets early to reserve your spot before tickets sell out!   

We look forward to a great Family Day of bowling, food and fun!