Do you know how important prayers of intercession are to God? One look at the Lord’s Prayer may be all you need. In that prayer, Jesus taught us to ask for many important things: for people to see God’s glory and worship Him; for people to embrace God’s plan; for...Read more
The Church has always asked us to pay attention to three specific areas in our lives – the upward, the inward and the outward. The upward aspect has to do with our relationship with Jesus. It involves our commitment of prayer, reading Scripture, receiving the Eucharist, repenting of our sins...Read more
The Church prays and invites everyone to ensure that love will prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth over falsehood and forgiveness over revenge. The Holy Father encourages us to pray and fast for peace. Lent is a time set aside by the Church for prayer, fasting and almsgiving in...Read more
Wednesday, February 14th marks the beginning of the season of LENT, our annual forty day journey with the Lord. We renew and deepen our commitment to follow Christ closely to the Cross so that we might share the fullness of life with Him. Lent has two major purposes: it recalls...Read more
It is important for us to become more familiar with Holy Scriptures. Last week you received a bookmark to help you reflect on the scriptures. Four basic questions were presented: 1) What does it say? - determine as closely as possible the literal meaning of the text – what do...Read more
It is a constant temptation of human nature to want to get a grip on God so that He will have to do our will. We are tempted to seek rites, formulas, timetables and methods of controlling God, of bending Him to become our servant instead of Our Lord and...Read more
The Sunday Eucharist is a celebration composed of five parts, each essential to the prayer of the Mass. The Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Communion and the Concluding Rites. The Introductory Rites serve as an introduction and preparation for the Liturgy of the Word and...Read more
Jesus the Sacrament: Our loving Father sent His Son to become a man in order to save us. He gave us Jesus as the image and sign of His love for us, as the visible sign of the God we cannot see. Jesus is the sign and sacrament of the...Read more
PEACE in the Bible is a condition of total well-being, physical health, emotional stability and maturity, concord in family relationships, lack of enmity towards others and right relationships with God. The peace of Christ, according to St. Paul is Christ Himself. He is our peace and has broken down the...Read more
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The Holy Family was obviously a place where there was deep love of God; it was a place where the scriptures and things of God were discussed and honoured. This is suggested by Jesus being found in the Temple asking and...Read more