Mary, humble servant of God Most High, the Son to whom you gave birth has made you servant of humanity. Your life was a humble and generous service. You were servant of the Word when the angel announced to you the divine plan of salvation. You were servant of the...Read more
A very sincere “Thank You” to everyone who participated and attended our Lenten Masses and devotions and our Holy Week liturgies. Special thanks to: Deacon Quinto Tami; our parish staff; altar servers; lectors; ministers of the Eucharist; organist; choir members; cantors and musicians; decorating committee; ushers; our custodian and our...Read more
“Rejoice O Earth in Shining Splendour. Radiant in the Brightness of Your King! Christ has Conquered! Glory fills you! Darkness vanishes forever!” (Easter Exultet). Today the whole earth is called to look heavenward. We have a glorious home awaiting us in the courts of God. The concerns and cares of...Read more
Today begins Holy Week which is like no other week in the Church’s calendar. It is a week of intense prayer and emotion. We encourage you to join in all the liturgical celebrations. The blessing of palms has an unforgettable grip on our imagination. The centre of the liturgy on...Read more
Participating in Lent we are engaging in patterns that have endured across the centuries. From very early times we have the sense of accompanying the elect on their journey to the font. From as long ago as the fourth journey, we receive Lent as forty days to shake the dust...Read more
As we continue our journey toward Easter and prepare our hearts to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, let us take the time to share the journey with our sisters and brothers who have had to flee their homes. Let us pray for them. May we learn to walk...Read more
Lent is a time of preparation and introspection. It is a moment to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For forty days and forty nights we walk together with Jesus. This year Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is adding its voice to those of Pope Francis...Read more
Tuesday, March 19th is the feast of St. Joseph. We only have limited information about St. Joseph as provided by the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke. Matthew (13:55) implies that Joseph pursued the trade of a carpenter, although the Greek word used in the text could apply equally...Read more
Before beginning His public mission Jesus, driven by the Holy Spirit, fasted for forty days as an expression of His trusting abandonment to the Father’s saving plan (Mt. 4:1-4). He gave precise instructions to His disciples that their fasting should never be tainted by ostentation and hypocrisy (Mt.6:16-18). Following the...Read more
Wednesday, March 6th begins the holy season of Lent, our annual forty day journey with the Lord. Mass will be celebrated with the distribution of ASHES at 7:30a.m.; 12:10p.m.; and 7:00p.m. A para-liturgy with the distribution of ashes will take place at our three parish schools. Lent is a time...Read more