The Catholic Church has taught firmly and clearly that the Bible is a library or collection of inspired books handed down to us by Israel and the early Church. In that collection there are many different types of literature including poetry, drama, history and fiction. Indeed between history and fiction...Read more
Surprisingly in the whole New Testament only Matthew and Luke speak to us about the conception and birth of Jesus. St. Mark begins his Gospel with the baptism of Jesus by John. He tells us nothing about Jesus’ family life, never mentioning Joseph as His legal Father. St. John begins...Read more
Next to the annual celebration of Easter, the memorial of Christ’s birth is most cherished by Christians throughout the world. The feast of Christmas celebrates the gift of God’s love revealed in the great mystery of the Incarnation. God’s eternal Word taking human flesh and dwelling among us. A wonderful...Read more
Next week we will begin the new church year and the season of Advent. Each year parishioners have been very generous in supporting the Drop-in-Centre and Michael House. We will collect items over the next three weeks so that the delivery of goods for distribution may take place before Christmas...Read more
Death is seldom easy, especially for the bereaved. In Luke 24: 13-25 we read the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus blinded by their grief until “the stranger” encourages them to do what comes naturally after death – tell the story and share the memories of the...Read more
Every Tuesday from 1:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. we have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It is imperative that someone always be present in Adoration. St. John Paul II said that every Holy Hour draws the world and everybody in the world closer to Christ and lifts the whole world up to...Read more
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued the following statement: The Catholic Church for its part continues to underline the ethical problems involved with the recreational use and abuse of Cannabis: the negative risks that impact on psychological and physical health, the growing problems of a society more and more...Read more
Thursday, November 1st is ALL SAINTS DAY. The Church as a whole is the great witness in history to the love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ. In that sense all members of the Church are saints. What does the love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ call...Read more
The theme for World Mission Sunday 2018 is “With Youth we proclaim the Gospel to all.” Pope Francis writes, “My young friends by your baptism you have become living members of the Church, together we have received the mission to bring the Gospel to everyone. You are at the threshold...Read more
The theme for World Mission Sunday 2018 is “With Youth we proclaim the Gospel to all.” Pope Francis writes, “The Synod to be held in Rome in October offers an opportunity to understand more fully, in the light of faith, what the Lord Jesus wants to say to young people...Read more