Mission Statement

As the Eucharistic family of Our Lady Immaculate, we believe in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We foster a welcoming and active faith community by sharing our time, talent and treasure. We continue to grow in the Spirit, loving and serving God and each other.


The Stewardship Committee, as a consultative body, promotes Stewardship as a way of life within all aspects of the Parish community. Stewardship is a conscious effort to help each of us to realize deeply that God has blessed us with many gifts often spoken as, ‘time, talent, and treasure’ and that we should be willing to generously share them; and that as a community of faith, we should devise ways of giving opportunities for everyone in our Parish to do so.


1. In our desire to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure, we will reach out to others in the community.
2. In our desire to share our beliefs, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will seek to reflect and spread the Good News of the Gospel.
3. In our desire to grow in the Spirit, loving and serving God and each other, we will deepen the Spiritual life of the faith community.
4. In our desire to foster a welcoming and active faith community, we will respond to our call to discipleship.
See the attached Annual Report for more information about the specific initiatives and activities carried out by the Stewardship Committee during 2019/2020.